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Table 2 Eligibility criteria for screening search results and full-text records

From: Preventing workplace mistreatment and improving workers’ mental health: a scoping review of the impact of psychosocial safety climate

Inclusion criteria:

1. The paper is written or published in the English language;

2. Only peer-reviewed articles;

3. The study should explore the psychosocial safety climate and workplace abuse and or mental health among the working population;

4. The study adopted or adapted the PSC-12, PSC-8, or PSC-4 to measure psychosocial safety climate or interview participants on PSC;

5. The study was conducted in any part of the world;

6. The study was published online in the year 2010 or later.

Exclusion criteria:

1. The paper was written or published in any other language other than English;

2. The paper is a conference paper, a letter to the editor, pre-print, grey literature, and commentaries;

3. The paper explored safety climate, physical safety climate, safety culture, or related constructs;

4. The paper did not adopt or adapt PSC-12, PSC-8 or PSC-4 in measuring psychosocial safety climate;

5. The paper was published before the year 2010 (Psychosocial safety climate was introduced in the year 2010);

6. Abstracts without full-text records;

7. The study was published online before the year 2010.