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Table 3 Factors associated with client’s positive perception of online counselling: logistic regression

From: Effectiveness of online counselling during COVID-19 in Zambia: clients' and therapists' perspectives





Age of client (Reference: < 25)


0.592 (0.656)


-0.287 (0.914)


0.143 (0.674)


0.002 (0.724)


-1.586* (0.932)

  > 50

-1.423 (0.867)

Sex (1 = Female)

0.842* (0.445)

Taken counselling before COVID

0.486 (0.450)

ICT tool used (Reference: other)

 Phone calls

2.802* (1.607)

 Texting (0/1)

-1.850 (1.537)

 Video conferencing (0/1)

0.638 (1.591)

 Counsellor prepared but not satisfactorily (0/1)

-1.058** (0.494)

 Therapist prepared (0/1)

2.997*** (0.979)


0.325 (1.332)



  1. Robust standard errors in parentheses
  2. ***p < 0.01
  3. **p < 0.05
  4. *p < 0.1