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Table 1 Items of the Social Media-Related Nightmare Scale

From: Social media-related nightmare — a potential explanation for poor sleep quality and low affective well-being in the social media era?

How often do you experience nightmares about the following topics?

1. Receiving threat messages in social media

2. Being insulted and humiliated in social media

3. Being unable to log in to social media

4. Being rejected by another social media user

5. Disruption of relationships with other social media users

6. Being isolated in social media without other social media users

7. Being unable to communicate in social media despite the presence of other social media users

8. Being anonymous in social media (without identity)

9. Being lost in social media

10. Someone stealing your identity in social media

11. Being sexually harassed in social media

12. Posting an inappropriate post on social media (intentionally or unintentionally)

13. Writing an inappropriate comment for a post (intentionally or unintentionally)

14. Sharing your personal information on social media (intentionally or unintentionally)