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Table 1 Search terms used in PsycInfo

From: How is trauma-focused therapy experienced by adults with PTSD? A systematic review of qualitative studies


Search terms


“posttraumatic stress disorder*” OR “post-traumatic stress disorder*” OR “post traumatic stress disorder*” OR PTSD

Phenomena of interest (P of I)

“cognitive proces* therap*” OR “prolonged exposure*” OR TF-CBT OR "eye movement desensitization and reprocessing" OR “narrative exposure therapy” OR “brief eclectic psychotherapy” OR “written narrative exposure” OR (“trauma-focused” AND (“therapy” OR “psychotherapy” OR “cognitive behavio#r* therap*” OR “cognitive therap*” OR “behavio#r* therap*” OR “behavio#r psychotherapy*” OR “cognit* therap*” OR “cognit* psychotherap*”))


questionnaire* or survey* or interview* or focus group* or “case stud*” or observ* or qualitative* or “thematic analy*” or content analy* or ethnog* or phenomenol* or emic or etic or hermeneutic* or “heuristic*” or semiotics or “field study*” or “lived experience*” or “narrative analy*” or “grounded theor*” or “multi-method*” or “mixed-method*” or triangula* or “formative evalua*” or “process evalua*”

Evaluation (E)

«self-report*» OR «patient* report*» OR «client* report*» OR «experience*» OR view* OR perspective* OR perce* OR opinion* OR understand* OR reflect* OR reaction* OR thought* OR standpoint* OR “patient* receptivit*” OR “client* receptivit*” OR satisfaction* OR “client record*” OR “patient* record*” OR attitude* OR feel* OR belie* OR know* OR thought* OR standpoint*

Research Type (R)

qualitati* or “mixed-meth*” or “mixed meth*” or “multi-meth*” or “multi meth*”



  1. This table presents the search terms used in PsycINFO. The same search terms were used in PubMed and PTSDPubs, with some alterations regarding truncation and wildcards to fit the databases. Limits used in the databases were: Publication Type (Peer Reviewed Journal); Language (English); Age Groups: (18 years & older). Adapted from “Users’ experiences of trauma‐focused cognitive behavioural therapy for children and adolescents: a systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative research” by L. Neelakantan, 2019, European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, p. 879