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Table 1 Retrieval strategy

From: Development and application of emotion recognition technology — a systematic literature review


Retrieval type


(i) “psychology” OR “psychic” OR “psychological” OR “mental” OR “mind” OR “mood” OR “sentiments” OR “emotion” OR “emotional” OR “feel” OR “affective” OR “face” OR “facial” OR “brain wave” OR “speech” OR “voice” OR “electroencephalogram” OR “EEG” OR “electrocardiogram” OR “ECG”

(ii) “identify” OR “identification” OR “recognition” OR “monitor” OR “survey” OR “express” OR “perception” OR “process” OR “track” OR “recognize”

(iii) “clinical” OR “patient” OR “medical treatment” OR “health care”

*(i) AND (ii) AND (iii)

* Results by year: 2013–2023

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