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Table 1 Outline of the components of the FACE self-help app

From: Fostering resilience and well-being in emerging adults with adverse childhood experiences: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the FACE self-help app


Introduction module (always available)

- Explanation of how the app works

- Formulation of personal goals

- Psychoeducation on prevalence, types, and consequences of ACE

- Contact information on where to find additional help


Toolbox with short exercises for daily life

Exercises and suggestions connected to

- emotion regulation, i.e. to distraction, relaxation, encouragement, perspective and enjoyable activities (SER component)

- social relationships, i.e. to personal boundaries, feeling at ease before, during and after social situations, social challenges and enjoyable activities (SSIP component)

Thematic Modules

SER Component

SSIP Component

1. Psychoeducation and personal relevance of topics

- Importance of emotions for one’s life, thoughts, and behaviour

- Emotion regulation and ACE

- Importance of relationships and reflection on status quo of personal relationships

- Relationships and ACE

2. Promoting behavioural skills

- Emphasis on the active influencing of situations, behaviour and feelings to minimise negative and push positive emotions

- Emphasis on the identification and active promotion of social skills

3. Identification and resolving of dysfunctional cognitive patterns

- Identification of biased automatic perception and thought patterns, and how to counter them

- Identification of biased expectations towards social situations and interpretations of other people’s behaviour, and how to counter them

4. Promoting skills and long-term improvement

- Problem solving and the creation of favourable conditions for one’s emotional experience

- Dealing with difficult social situations and the building of positive social experiences

- Learning to play to one’s social strengths


Final module/Farewell

- Summary and reflection of what has been learnt

- Reiteration of contact information to find additional help

- Tips on how to continue