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Table 1 Summary of the sample’s demographic data, split by country

From: In masks we trust: explicit and implicit reactions to masked faces vary by political orientation


UK (n = 622)

USA (n = 619)

Total (N = 1241)


Value (col %)

Value (col %)

Value (col %)



410 (66.7%)

301 (48.6%)

711 (57.3%)


205 (33.3%)

308 (49.7%)

513 (41.3%)


7 (1.1%)

10 (1.6%)

17 (1.4%)

Age: mean [SD] in years

34.4 [12.7]

32.3 [12.1]

33.4 [12.5]

Education: highest level achieved

 Primary education

1 (0.1%)

34 (5.5%)

35 (2.8%)

 Secondary education (<= 16 years)

40 (6.4%)

77 (12.4%)

117 (9.4%)

 Professional qualification (> 16 years)

218 (35.0%)

125 (20.2%)

343 (27.6%)

 Undergraduate degree

238 (38.3%)

245 (39.6%)

483 (.39%)

 Postgraduate degree

105 (16.9%)

122 (19.7%)

227 (18.3%)


20 (3.2%)

16 (2.6%)

36 (2.9%)


 0–10 liberal–conservative: mean [SD]

4.15 [1.93]

3.88 [2.34]

4.02 [2.15]

Voting intention

 Labour/Democrat candidate

335 (53.8%)

425 (68.6%)

760 (61.2%)

 Conservative/Republican candidate

122 (19.6%)

134 (21.6%)

256 (20.6%)

 Other candidate

165 (26.5%)

60 (9.7%)

225 (18.1%)