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Table 3 Q 14. Career practice before and during the pandemica

From: Burnout among surgeons before and during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: an international survey


Before COVID 19 Pandemic

During COVID 19 Pandemic


Participation in research work/year

10 (10–10)

10 (0–10)

 < 0.001

Hours spent reading scientific articles/week

10 (10–20)

10 (10–20)

 < 0.001

Clinical cases in outpatient clinic/week

30 (20–50)

10 (10–20)

 < 0.001

Operative cases/ week

20 (10–20)

10 (10–10)

 < 0.001

Cases working as primary surgeon/week

10 (10–20)

10 (0–10)

 < 0.001

Case working as assistant surgeon/week

10 (10–20)

10 (0–10)

 < 0.001

Hours working on-call/week

30 (10–40)

20 (10–40)

 < 0.001

Hours working at home/week

10 (0–10)

10 (0–20)

 < 0.001

Number of emergency case/week

10 (10–20)

10 (10–10)

 < 0.001

  1. aData reported as median (percentiles; 25–75)