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Table 1 Baseline characteristics of enrolled participants

From: User evaluation and feasibility test of an app designed for smoking cessation in Italian people who smoke: preliminary findings from an uncontrolled pre-test post-test open study


Enrolled participants at baseline

N = 30

Age, Mdn (IQR)

25 (11)

Sex, n (%)




13 (43.33)

17 (56.67)

Education, n (%)


Middle school

High school

Degree or higher

2 (6.67)

10 (33.33)

18 (60)

Cigarettes smoked per day, Mdn (IQR)

10 (9)

Number of years since smoking, Mdn (IQR)

9 (8.50)

Cessation attempts, Mdn (IQR)

2 (2.75)

eCO, Mdn (IQR)

17 (6)