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Table 1 Contents of happiness-based education sessions

From: The effect of happiness-based education on women’s success of water pipe smoking cessation and happiness: a quasi-experimental study





Familiarization with the session members, introduction of the program, teaching the goal setting technique and its implementation

Writing a list of daily enjoyable activities, and short-term and long-term goals


Introduction of happiness formula, general introduction of happiness techniques, presentation of techniques for increasing physical activity

Starting a new sport or activity

Doing good work and reporting it in the group


Presenting the happiness formula and a technique for increasing social skills

Practicing the greeting and laughing technique and presenting the results to the group members


Teaching the feelings expression technique, developing optimism and positive thinking, avoiding worrying thoughts and prioritizing happiness

Recording imagination about positive activities in the coming future or positive events in the past

Doing the thought stopping technique to reduce negative thoughts


Social problem-solving, creativity in establishing relationships, and describing its effects in the form of examples

Providing a technique for increasing social problem-solving skills and creativity in establishing relationships with oneself and others.

Presenting a report on the creation of new social relationships and its effect on happiness


Avoiding worry, teaching a technique for reducing expectations, and a technique for being grateful with words and actions

Recording concerns in a notebook and reviewing it after two weeks


Teaching a technique for increasing social intimacy and being oneself, providing a technique for focusing on the present and living in the present

Mindfulness exercises (e.g., meditation) to focus on the present and doing simple and normal tasks to accustom the mind to being in the present


Working on increasing physical activities, providing planning techniques, providing happiness prioritization techniques, and reviewing happiness techniques related to previous sessions.

Starting a new sport or activity

Preparing a list of tasks in order of priority (weekly schedule)