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Table 3 Interview schedule with representative questions

From: A qualitative exploration of the psychological needs of women survivors of rape in Iran


Representative questions

Initial rapport building

So (alias), how old are you? What are your current circumstances (e.g., job, education level)?

Free recall about incident (optional*)

Thank you for telling me a bit about yourself. Now I would like to ask whether you can tell me anything you’d like to about this incident (rape). If you’d prefer not to take this approach, don’t worry, I have questions we can start with instead

Psychological problems

What psychological problems have you faced since this incident?

Perceived psychological needs

What were some of your perceived psychological needs since the incident?

Needs for disclosure

After the incident, to whom and how did you want to disclose the matter?

What did you need to disclose the incident?

Needs related to family members, spouse, etc.

How could your family member and that of your husband support you? What would you like them to do for you?

Was there anyone other than family members and your husband whose support you think you needed? What help could they provide? Please explain?

Needs for present and future life

What did you think about the present and future of your life?


What advice would you give to a woman who experiences this incident?