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Table 1 STRIPES intervention characteristics

From: Study protocol of a randomized trial of STRIPES: a schoolyear, peer-delivered high school intervention for students with ADHD

Core Intervention Components

Implementation Features

Materials management (EF strategy)

Task shifting to peers to overcome shortage of school staff interventionists

Recording homework assignments (EF strategy)

Peer retrieval to overcome forgetfulness

Consistently monitoring online gradebook (EF strategy)

Pullout from elective to avoid loss of highly valued social time and academic instruction

Time management and planning skills (EF Strategy)

Frontloading skill introduction to increase skill exposure for intermittent attenders

Goal setting and implementation intentions (Motivation strategy)

Voluntary attendance and drop-in model (16 sessions offered with the goal of providing 8)

Strength-based feedback from peers (Motivation strategy)

Leveraging technology (monitoring online gradebook and school academic dashboard)

Social rather than tangible reinforcement to overcome school resource shortages