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Table 1 Scale items in original full expression, item labels, and the property they measured

From: Adolescent peer support for mental health problems: evaluation of the validity and reliability of the Mental Health Support Scale for Adolescents


Original full expression of items

Item label for analysis

Measured property


Invite John/Jeanie to hang out and do something fun with me.

Invite to hang out

Helpful intentions


Tell John/Jeanie I have noticed something seems wrong and I want to make sure s/he is okay.

Approach the person


Suggest John/Jeanie tell a health professional about his/her problems (e.g. a counsellor, GP or psychologist).

Suggest telling a professional


Suggest John/Jeanie tell an adult (other than a health professional) about his/her problems (e.g., parent or teacher).

Suggest telling an adult


Ask John/Jeanie if s/he is thinking of suicide.

Ask about suicide


Listen to John/Jeanie talk about his/her problems.

Listen to the person


Tell John/Jeanie what s/he needs to do to fix his/her problems.

Tell the person how to fix

Harmful intentions


Ignore John/Jeanie because s/he is being attention-seeking.

Ignore the person


Let John/Jeanie know I won’t want to be friends with him/her anymore if s/he’s like this all the time.

Unfriend the person


Avoid talking about suicide because it might put the idea in John/Jeanie’s head.

Avoid talking about suicide


Encourage John/Jeanie to take responsibility and deal with his/her problems on their own.

Encourage to deal alone


Not do anything.

Do nothing

  1. Items were given labels to aid analysis and reporting. These labels were not presented to nor used by participants, who only saw the original items in full.