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Table 1 Study design, assessments, variables, and measures

From: Childbirth-related post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and mother–infant neurophysiological and behavioral co-regulation during dyadic interaction: study protocol

Study variables


1–3 days

8 weeks

22 weeks

Sociodemographic, obstetric, and clinical data

Sociodemographic and obstetric informationa

Birth traumab


Previous traumac


Mother’s perinatal mental health problems

Childbirth-related PTSD symptomsd

Childbirth-related PTSD symptomsd

Depressive symptomse

Depressive symptomse

Anxiety symptomsf

Anxiety symptomsf

Behavioral mother–infant co-regulation

Mother–infant interactiong

Still-Face Paradigmh

Neurophysiological mother–infant co-regulation

Skin Conductancei

Neuroimaging on mother–infant brain synchronyj

  1. aQuestionnaire on sociodemographic and obstetric data; bChildbirth-related trauma item; cDiagnostic Scale of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder; dCity Birth Trauma Scale; eEdinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale; fState-Trait Anxiety Inventory; gGlobal Rating Scales of Mother–infant Interaçtion; hStill-face paradigm; iMindProber’s biometric sensors; jPlux fNIR