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Table 2 Summary of marital-related characteristics of ever-married (n = 407) study participants

From: Marital dissolution and associated factors in Hosanna, Southwest Ethiopia: a community-based cross-sectional study

Study variables

Male (n = 189)

Female (n = 218)

Total (n = 407)

Ever get marital information (n = 407)



80 (42.3)

86 (39.4)

166 (40.8)


109 (57.7)

132 (60.1)

241 (59.2)

Source of marriage information (n = 166)


 Mass media

7 (7.8)

11 (11.3)

18 (9.6)

 Religious educators

29 (32.2)

30 (30.9)

59 (31.6)


27 (30.0)

19 (19.6)

46 (24.6)


13 (14.4)

21 (21.6)

34 (18.2)


14 (15.6)

16 (16.5)

30 (16.0)

Inspiration to get married (n = 407)



109 (57.7)

118 (54.1)

2227 (55.8)


57 (30.2)

61 (28.0)

118 (29.0)


16 (8.5)

37 (17.0)

53 (13.0)


7 (3.6)

2 (0.9)

9 (2.2)

The main reason to get married (n = 407)


 For financial security

62 (15.2)

31 (14.2)

93 (22.9)

 To get kids

68 (36.0)

82 (37.6)

150 (36.9)

 For companionship

29 (15.3)

59 (27.1)

88 (21.6)

 For social security

29 (15.3)

44 (20.2)

73 (17.9)

 Other reasons¶

1 (0.5)

2 (0.9)

3 (0.7)

Number of marriage(n = 407)



174 (92.1)

191 (87.6)

365 (89.7)



26 (11.9)

40 (9.8)

 More than two times



2 (0.5)

Ever had a conflict (n = 407)



94 (49.7)

99 (45.4)

193 (47.4)


95 (50.3)

119 (54.9)

214 (52.6)

Circumstances conflicts commonly occur in couples (n = 214)


 Illnesses in the family

29 (30.5)

43 (36.1)

72 (33.6)

 During holidays

36 (37.9)

36 (30.3)

72 (33.6)

 During Pregnancy

6 (6.3)

16 (13.4)

22 (10.3)

 Making major decisions

7 (7.4)

10 (8.4)

17 (7.9)


17 (17.9)

14 (11.8)

31 (14.5)

  1. ¶ = for religious beliefs, to secure a public commitment.