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Table 2 Categories and subcategories of the main theme “Emotional upheaval, the Essence of Anticipatory Grief”

From: Emotional upheaval, the essence of anticipatory grief in mothers of children with life threatening illnesses: a qualitative study

Main theme



Condensed units

Emotional upheaval

Immediate reactions


The taboo of life-threatening illness, the trauma that changes the whole life in an instant, wishing that the current situation were just a dream, the inability to understand the meaning and spiritual distress


Not tolerating uncertainty, being angry with the illness, an excuse to release one’s inner pressure, poor quality services provided by the health system, medical staff’s being inconsiderate, the heavy burden of care, the changes in family responsibilities and roles

Delayed reactions (emotional scar)

Fear of loss

Fear of losing the sick child, fear of losing other children

Feeling of guilt

Blaming oneself for not providing proper care, cultural beliefs regarding mother’s atonement for her sins


Inability to explain the meaning of illness-related events, the child’s unclear future, inability to predict illness outcomes


Feeling of worthlessness, being unmotivated, false delight

Loneliness and isolation

Others’ lack of understanding of their unique condition, withdrawal from social activities to prevent the deterioration of complications, depression, emotional frigidity, crying and wailing, sense of not belonging, an opportunity to pray, the lack of social supportive resources

Mourning without coffin

Bidding frequent unanswered farewells to the child, early embracing of mourning ceremonies and rituals, the hope of reunion in the afterlife, surrendering to fate and destiny