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Table 1 Socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of people with hypertension (N = 132)

From: Testing the psychometric properties of a Chinese version of Dyadic Relationship Scale for families of people with hypertension in China


Mean ± SD or n (%)

People with hypertension

Age (Range: 30 to 94)

66.80 ± 12.22



52 (39.39)


80 (60.61)

Marital status


98 (74.24)


34 (25.76)

Employment nature


129 (97.73)

 Others (e.g., businessman and public official)

3 (2.27)

Educational level


31 (23.48)

 Primary school

88 (66.67)

 Secondary or above

13 (9.85)

Duration of hypertension (range: 1 to 30 years)

8.47 ± 5.58

SBP (mmHg)

149.35 ± 19.01

DBP (mmHg)

82.11 ± 13.33

Patients with controlled normal BP*

39 (29.55)

Number of comorbidities

1.64 ± 0.632



43 (32.58)


19 (14.39)

 Coronary heart disease

15 (11.36)


27 (20.45)

Antihypertensive drugs intake


106 (80.30)


26 (19.70)

Relationship of family carer with patient


80 (60.61)

 Son/son in-law/daughter/daughter in-law

49 (37.12)

 Other family members

3 (2.27)

Family carers

Age (range: 28 to 83)

57.68 ± 11.49



82 (62.12)


50 (37.88)

Employment nature


127 (96.21)

 Others (e.g., teacher and businessman)

5 (3.79)

Educational level


12 (9.09)

 Primary school

94 (71.21)

 Secondary or above

26 (19.70)

  1. #Family carers helped patients in medication taking, blood pressure monitoring, clinic visits, smoking cessation, alcohol control, weight loss, healthy diet, sodium restriction, and/or physical activity
  2. $Other comorbidities were kidney stones, alcoholic hepatitis, and chronic bronchitis, etc.
  3. *SBP < 140 mmHg and DBP < 90 mmHg