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Table 1 Provisions made to address the findings’ trustworthiness [19]

From: Factors affecting test anxiety: a qualitative analysis of medical students’ views

Aspect of trustworthiness

Implementation process

Credibility (internal validity)

Trained moderator

All researchers received training in qualitative research; additionally, the principal researcher (MW), who serves as the moderator of the FGD in this study, conducted a pilot FGD prior to conducting the actual data collection

Prolonged engagement

During the FGD, MW ensured that participants had ample opportunity to share their experience

Data source triangulation

We employed methodological triangulation in our study, in which we compared the qualitative findings to the quantitative findings

Member checking

We used two strategies for member checking: (1) iterative questioning by extracting related data via rephrased questions “on the spot,” and (2) summarizing the key points of discussion and asking participants to verify the summary while also allowing for additional remarks

Transferability (external validity)

Thick descriptions

The method section includes a detailed description of the data setting, informants, and phenomena, which enables future researchers to transfer the findings

Dependability (reliability)

Code-recode procedure

The researchers (MW and MSBY) used a code-recode technique in which they returned to previously coded raw data to recode it and compare it to the previous coding. They used this method two weeks after the initial coding to ensure that the results were consistent

Confirmability (objectivity)

Audit trail

MW kept a detailed account of the FGD files and analysis process for the audit