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Table 1 The content of the stress management program

From: The impact of stress management training on stress-related coping strategies and self-efficacy in hemodialysis patients: a randomized controlled clinical trial


Summary of the sessions

Session 1

Introducing and getting to know the group members, explaining the group rules and norms, introducing the stress management program

Session 2

Introducing the importance and necessity of stress management skills training, providing definitions of stress, addressing the differences between people in the face of stress and the cause of differences

Session 3

Introducing the general effects of stress on different organs of the body and evaluating participants' behavioral, psychological and physical aspects in the face of stress

Session 4

Examining the coping styles of people in stressful situations, providing mental and intellectual cooperation to cope with stress, introducing problem-focused and emotion-focused methods as coping strategies with stress

Session 5

Introducing the first step of stress coping skills, focusing participants on being aware of their emotions, learning study skills and time management

Session 6

Strengthening self-confidence, self-esteem, coping with anxiety and inefficiency

Session 7

Addressing the second step of stress management skills and teaching long-term and short-term methods

Session 8

Reviewing past sessions, preparing participants to complete group sessions, focusing on generalizing the results of sessions to outside the group