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Table 3 Comparing the concept elaboration of OxCAP-MH with the interpretation of pilot study participants

From: Internal and external aspects of freedom of choice in mental health: cultural and linguistic adaptation of the Hungarian version of the Oxford CAPabilities questionnaire—Mental Health (OxCAP-MH)


Original English version


Alternative interpretations and other discrepancies/ambigious terms**



Does your health in any way limit your daily activities, compared to most people of your age?


Employment discrimination due to mental health status

I mean, for example, that if a workplace wishes to register me, then I can either hide my health status or expect it to have an impact on my employment.

No change


Are you able to meet socially with friends or relatives?


Patients focused on frequency of meeting

How many times per week I could meet with friends

No change


In the past 4 weeks, how often have you lost sleep over worry?


Worry about sleeping problems

How often I was worried about my sleep problems during the last 4 weeks

No change


In the past 4 weeks, how often have you been able to enjoy your recreational activities?


Some (n = 3) respondents missed the enjoyments aspect;

My recreational activities include gardening, reading, going to the cinema and travelling.

No change


Some (n = 2) respondents reported something different due to the inaccurate translation of “able to”

Here I gave the answernever because I really liked writing poetry, playing the piano, and writing music, and I had the occasion to do so. However, I still selectedneverbecause if there is an occasion but no idea and no inspiration, then never.

Changed “have the occasion” to “able to”


How suitable or unsuitable is your accommodation for your current needs?


No change


Please indicate how safe you feel walking alone in the area near your home:


Some (n = 3) respondents referred to fear of being alone and paranoias

I was immediately reminded of someone being paranoid and thinking they wanted to kill or attack me on the street. Some are afraid of it.

No change


Some (n = 2) respondents referred to traffic accidents

How safe is the traffic, for instance, is there a pedestrian crossing, roundabout, whether drivers are in a hurry. Even a cyclist needs to consider how they are getting around. And also pedestrian, of course.

No change


Please indicate how likely you believe it to be that you will be assaulted in the future (including sexual and domestic assault):


No change


How likely do you think it is that you will experience discrimination?


Question does not clarify whether mental health status is part of it

I assumed that this question was not related to the current illness. This is why I selected the answer that it was quite unlikely.

No change


On what grounds do you think it is likely that you will be discriminated against?


No change


I am able to influence decisions affecting my local area


Local area versus environment (lakókörnyezet) is ambiguous

When I first read it, I was thinking of my immediate little house and my property. But now, the second time I read it, it refers to my living environment or settlement.

Changed “have the occasion” to “able to”***


I am free to express my views, including political and religious views


Some (n = 2) respondents said that it is unclear whether it is at home or on the internet or other media

Now this was again an ambiguous question, because if I mean home, yes, I can freely express my views and my religion. But if I post it on the internet, I'm not sure.

No change


I am able to appreciate and value plants, animals and the world of nature


Appreciation aspect is missing

By this I mean whether I can distinguish between living and non-living creatures, plants and animals, or between my natural environment, and my artificial, built environment.

No change


I am able to respect, value and appreciate people around me


The word “value” is closer to the meaning of “evaluate” in Hungarian

I struggle with this word ofvalue/evaluate, I do not know how to react tovalue/evaluate. So how do Ivalue/evaluatethis. The appreciation, the other word, is totally positive.

No change


I find it easy to enjoy the love, care and support of my family and/or friends


No change


I am free to decide for myself how to live my life


No change


I am free to use my imagination and to express myself creatively (e.g. through art, literature, music, etc.)


Some (n = 3) respondents focused on external opportunity rather than the internal aspect

I interpreted this as saying that if I have the inspiration and the conditions are right, then I can always create something from a piece of paper or, if I have to, using the computer. There is nothing that stops me from expressing these feelings. However, they are not there at the moment…

Changed “have the occasion” to “able to”


I have access to interesting forms of activity (or employment)


Some (n = 2) respondents

Well, what's interesting. It was a good question, anyway, because to take part in an interesting activity or work… Now, is it about what I find interesting, or what is in the public’s interest?

No change

  1. *Number of patients, whose description closely corresponds to the intended meaning of the English OxCAP-MH’s concept elaboration
  2. **Major discrepancies in bold
  3. ***Change was based on discussion with questionnaire developer, to align with internal and external aspects of freedom of choice