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Table 3 Survey questions for youth with lived experience of depression/anxiety in the Qualtrics survey

From: A realist synthesis of websites containing content on perfectionism: Are the descriptions and advice empirically supported?


Top five suggestions across the websites



Aspects of perfectionism

1. Setting unrealistic high standards

2. Self-worth relies on reaching high standards

3. Unpleasant thoughts (Self-criticism, going over the same old thoughts again and again, worry that others don’t think you are any good, thinking you’re a failure if you make a mistake, all or nothing thinking (it is either “bad” or “good”), selectively attending to what you don’t do so well and ignoring your achievements

4. Feeling bad (Disappointment, shame, guilt, fear of failure, anxiety, depression, anger, stress, worry, frustration)

5. Counter-productive behaviours (Procrastination, checking your work over and over, invest lots of time in each task (can’t bear to let it go until it is “perfect”), avoid new challenges for fear of not doing well enough, over-committing, hyper-focus on order and details)

a. When you look at these descriptions, what do you think is missing? What would you add from your own experience? How do these affect each other?

b. Which of these descriptions are most personally appealing to you?

c. What, if any, are the downsides of these descriptions?


Strategies that can reduce perfectionism, depression and anxiety

1. Identify thoughts and feelings

2. Develop alternative thoughts

3. Practising self-compassion not self-criticism

4. Procrastination

5. Judge your worth on things other than achievement

a. When you look at these strategies, what do you think is missing? What would you add from your own experience?

b. Which strategies would be most helpful for reducing perfectionism? Why? Which of these strategies are most personally appealing to you? How do you think these strategies would help reduce anxiety and depression?

c. What, if any, are the downsides of these strategies?


Advantages of Perfectionism

1. Gives meaning, a sense of pride, achievement, challenge

2. Encourages self-improvement

3. Good at noticing mistakes

4. High levels of organisation

5. Good work ethic

Disadvantages of Perfectionism

a. Leads to stress and poorer mental health

b. Workaholism

c. Personal relationships and wellbeing suffer

d. Negative impact on self-esteem

e. Difficult to find genuine satisfaction

a. When you look at these advantages and disadvantages, what do you think is missing? What would you add from your own experience?

b. Which advantage are most personally appealing to you? Why? Which disadvantage looks worst to you? Why?

c. What, if any, are the downsides of knowing about these advantages and disadvantages?