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Table 3 Likely mental disorders in veterans exposed to morally injurious, traumatic and mixed events (reference category = no event)

From: The impact of moral injury on the wellbeing of UK military veterans


Moral injury





 OR (95%CI)

3.61 (1.63–7.97)

5.85 (2.54–13.50)

4.87 (1.88–12.64)

 AOR (95%CI)

3.98 (1.75–9.05)

6.67 (2.77–16.07)

5.21 (1.93–14.06)

Alcohol misuse


 OR (95%CI)

1.74 (0.734.15)

1.33 (0.533.34)

1.37 (0.473.93)

 AOR (95%CI)

1.89 (0.774.66)

1.35 (0.523.54)

1.55 (0.524.60)



 OR (95%CI)

1.59 (0.703.62)

3.14 (1.37–7.19)

3.24 (1.26–8.39)

 AOR (95%CI)

1.71 (0.723.99)

3.38 (1.41–8.05)

3.36 (1.25–9.01)



 OR (95%CI)

3.55 (1.58–7.95)

5.57 (2.40–12.92)

6.20 (2.34–16.45)

 AOR (95%CI)

3.91 (1.69–9.04)

6.29 (2.59–15.25)

6.75 (2.44–18.72)

Suicidal ideation


 OR (95%CI)

2.47 (1.16–5.25)

3.43 (1.55–7.58)

3.82 (1.50–9.71)

 AOR (95%CI)

2.60 (1.20–5.66)

3.33 (1.47–7.58)

3.89 (1.48–10.21)

  1. OR odds ratios. AOR  adjusted odds ratio for sex and age. For OR and AOR the reference category was ‘no event’. Suicidal ideation = scored above SBQR-R cut off score of 7 used to identify individuals at risk of suicide. Bold values denote statistical significance