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Table 2 Characteristics of included schools in the SELFCARE project. A cluster randomised trial testing a school teacher training programme to deliver the “.b” programme in 110 schools covering schools in all five Danish regions

From: Stress-free Everyday LiFe for Children and Adolescents REsearch (SELFCARE): a protocol for a cluster randomised trial testing a school teacher training programme to teach mindfulness (“.b”)


Intervention schools

n = 54

Control schools

n = 56

School type, municipal (%)

37 (69)

40 (71)

Total number of pupils, median (q1,q3)

430 (163,728)

490 (235,625)

Number of teachers included in the project (%)

 1 teacher

23 (43)

26 (46)

 2 teachers

17 (31)

21 (38)

 3 teachers

14 (26)

9 (16)

Number of teachers included in the project, in total