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Table 2 Summary of exploratory factor analysis results for the English SCI coping scales (N = 1006)

From: Psychometric qualities of the English Coping Scales of the Stress and Coping Inventory in a representative UK sample


Rotated factor loading






Original scale

Factor 1 (Religious Coping)

 9. Prayer helps me deal with stress and threats






Support in Faith

 10. No matter how bad it gets, I trust in higher forces






Support in Faith

 8. Under stress and pressure, I find stability in faith






Support in Faith

Factor 2 (Social Support)

 13. When I come under pressure, I have people who help me




 − .02


Social Support

 4. When I feel overwhelmed, there are people who build me up again




 − .06


Social Support

 15. Under stress and pressure, I find support in my partner or a good friend




 − .03


Social Support

 19. No matter how bad it gets, I have good friends that I can count on




 − .02


Social Support

Factor 3 (various coping)

 17. Under stress and pressure, I purposefully eliminate the causes




 − .04


Active Stress Coping

 12. I do anything to prevent stress from arising in the first place




 − .01


Active Stress Coping

 16. Under stress and pressure, I simply concentrate on the positive




 − .18


Positive Thinking

 7. I try to avoid stress in advance




 − .05

 − .00

Active Stress Coping

 18. Under stress and pressure, I remember that there are greater values in life




 − .13


Support in Faith

 6. Even when I am under a lot of pressure, I do not lose my sense of humor




 − .15


Positive Thinking

Factor 4 (Alcohol and Cigarette Consumption)

 11. When everything gets too much for me, I sometimes take to the bottle


 − .058



 − .06

Alcohol and Cigarette consumption

 14. Under stress and pressure, I relax with a glass of wine or beer in the evening

 − .03





Alcohol and Cigarette Consumption

 2. No matter how much stress I get, I would never turn to alcohol or cigarettes because of stress




 − .59


Alcohol and Cigarette Consumption

 20. If the stress gets too much, I will smoke a cigarette


 − .02

 − .09



Alcohol and Cigarette Consumption

Factor 5 (Reflective Coping)

 5. I see stress and pressure as a positive challenge




 − .02


Positive Thinking

 1. I tell myself that stress and pressure also have their good sides






Positive Thinking

 3. I think about how I can avoid time pressure beforehand




 − .12


Active Stress Coping

% of variance




