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Table 1 Categories of microaggressions

From: A qualitative study of microaggressions against African Americans on predominantly White campuses


Category Name



Not a True Citizen

When a question, statement, or behavior indicates that a person of color is not a real citizen or a meaningful part of our society because they are not White.


Racial Categorization & Sameness

When a person is compelled to disclose their racial group to enable others to attach pathological racial stereotypes to the person; includes the assumption that all people from a particular group are alike.


Assumptions About Intelligence, Competence, or Status

When behavior or statements are based on assumptions about a person’s intelligence, competence, education, income, social status derived from racial stereotypes.


False Colorblindness / Invalidating Racial or Ethnic Identity

Expressing that individual’s racial or ethnic identity should not be acknowledged, which can be invalidating for people who are proud of their identity or who have suffered because of it.


Criminality or Dangerousness

Demonstrating belief in stereotypes that people of color are dangerous, untrustworthy, likely to commit crimes or cause bodily harm.


Denial of Individual Racism

When a person tries to make a case that they are not biased, often by talking about anti-racist things they have done to deflect perceived scrutiny of their own behaviors.


Myth of Meritocracy / Race is Irrelevant for Success

When someone makes statements about success being rooted in personal efforts and denial of existence of racism or White privilege.


Reverse Racism Hostility

Expressions of jealousy or hostility surrounding the notion that people of color get unfair advantages and benefits due to their race.


Pathologizing Minority Culture or Appearance

When people criticize others based on perceived or real cultural differences in appearance, traditions, behaviors, or preferences.


Second Class Citizen / Ignored & Invisible

When people of color are treated with less respect, consideration, or care than is normally expected or customary. This may include being ignored or being unseen/invisible.


Connecting via Stereotypes

When a person tries to communicate or connect with a person through use of stereotyped speech or behavior, to be accepted or understood. Can include racist jokes and epitaphs as terms of endearment.


Exoticization and Eroticization

When a person of color is treated according to sexualized stereotypes or attention to differences that are characterized as exotic in some way.


Avoidance and Distancing

When people of color are avoided or measures are taken to prevent physical contact or close proximity.


Environmental Exclusion

When someone’s racial identity is minimized or made insignificant through the exclusion of decorations, literature, or depictions of people that represent their racial group.


Environmental Attacks

When decorations pose a known affront or insult to a person’s cultural group, history, or heritage.