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Table 3 Themes and subthemes: teacher interviewees

From: Chinese school adolescents’ stress experience and coping strategies: a qualitative study

Theme 1: The discrepancy between expectations and reality is the source of stress

Academic stress

 • Expectations from self, teachers and parents

 • High school is a highly competitive environment

 • Materials are difficult in high schools

Peer stress

 • Conflicts with peers

 • Conflicts with teachers

 • Suppressing feelings in romantic relationships

Family stress

 • Conflicts with parents

 • Lack of love and care

Theme 2: Impact of stress on students

Losing motivation in study

Mental health issues

Theme 3: Coping strategies used by students

These is no subthemes under theme 3

Theme 4: Recommendations for stress management programs

Coping skills training

Career development guidance

Understanding from parents and teachers

Change parents’ perspectives