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Table 2 Themes and subthemes: student interviewees

From: Chinese school adolescents’ stress experience and coping strategies: a qualitative study

Theme 1: Sources of stress

Academic stress

 • Expectations from self, teachers and parents

 • Difficult to be outstanding in a highly competitive environment

Stress coming from peers

 • Conflicts with peers

 • Lack of close friends

Family stress

 • Parents give too much pressure

 • Parents are too controlling

Theme 2: Impacts of stress

Negative impacts on emotions

Negative impacts on the study

Negative impacts on sleep

Theme 3: Stress management

Internalising stress as the primary strategy

Engaging in leisure activities

Talking to friends, teachers, and parents

Theme 4: Recommendations for stress management programs

Emotion-regulation and problem-solving skills should be trained

Psychoeducation should be delivered

An understanding and supportive atmosphere should be created