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Table 2 WLSMV unstandardized factor loadings (critical ratios), and corrected item-total correlation

From: Portuguese version of Bern Illegitimates Task Scale: adaptation and evidence of validity


F 1

F 2

Corrected item-total correlation

Do you have work tasks to take care of, which keep you wondering if../No meu trabalho tenho tarefas a realizar que me mantêm a pensar se


IT1- … they have to be done at all?/… têm de ser feitas de todo?




IT2- …they make sense at all?/…fazem algum sentido?

1.006 (43.07)



IT3-… they would not exist (or could be done with less effort) if it were organized differently?/… não existiriam (ou poderiam ser feitas com menos esforço) se estivessem organizadas de forma diferente?

0.976 (50.19)



IT4 … they just exist because some people simply demand it this way?/… só existem porque algumas pessoas simplesmente o exigem desta forma?

1.024 (51.54)



Do you have work tasks to take care of which you believe No meu trabalho tenho tarefas a cumprir que acredito


IT5-… should be done by someone else?/…devem ser feitas por outra pessoa




IT6- … are going too far which should not be expected from you/…estão a ir longe demais e que não deveriam esperar que eu as realizasse


1.141 (44.78)


IT7- … put you into an awkward position?/…estão a colocar-me numa posição incómoda


1.108 (47.05)


IT8 -… are unfair that you have to deal with them?/… é injusto que tenha de lidar com elas


1.160 (46.36)
