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Table 1 Intervention content

From: Effect of blended and unguided online delivery of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy versus care as usual on distress among cancer patients and survivors: protocol for the three-arm parallel randomized controlled buddy trial

Theme of the session

Content of the session

Meditation exercise


Modality for blended eMBCT*

0. Introduction to MBCT

What the online mindfulness training looks like




What the online app looks like and how to use it

What can mindfulness do for you

1. The automatic pilot

Intention of participation

Body scan

Body scan


Raisin exercise

Mindful eating

Psycho-education: how mindfulness can help for physical and mental problems after cancer

Daily mindful activity

2. Thoughts are not facts

Observation exercises: “looking out the window” and “walking down the street”

Body scan

Body scan


Seeing clearly

Sitting meditation: instructions and attention to breathing

Attention to the breathing 5–10 min daily

Daily mindful activity

Complete diary positive experiences

3. From doing to being

Triangle of awareness

Movement exercises

-Alternating sitting meditation and movement exercises


Reflect on positive experiences

Sitting meditation: breathing and body-awareness

Three minutes breathing space at fixed times

Daily mindful activity

Complete diary negative experiences

4. Stay with it and allow what is

Reflect on negative experiences

Sitting meditation

-Alternating between sitting meditation, movement exercises, or walking meditation


Staying present

Psycho-education: Grief process

Walking meditation

Three minutes breathing space and apply it during stressful moments

Introduction to Three minutes breathing space

Complete stress diary

5. Finding/creating space to make choices Or: Responding to stress instead of reacting

-Reflect on how to respond to stress. Reaction vs response

Sitting meditation with a difficulty

Alternating between sitting meditation, or movement exercises


Psycho-education: phases and tasks to grief

Three minutes breathing space: use as a coping mechanism

Three minutes breathing space once a day and during difficult situations

Halfway reflection of the training

Movement exercises

Paying attention to reactions during stressful situations and practice giving a response

Complete difficult communication

6. Mindful communication

Mindful communication

Movement exercises standing up

Alternating between sitting meditation, lying, or standing movement meditation, or body scan without audio


Communication with awareness

Energy givers and energy takers

Three minutes breathing space: use as a coping mechanism

Three minutes breathing space

Mindful communication

Energy balance and action plan

Silent day

Follow the silent day with the app

Body scan



Movement meditation

Sitting meditation

Loving kindness meditation

7. Taking care of yourself

Create an action plan

Movement exercise without guidance

Mindful exercise of personal choice


Sitting meditation without guidance

Three minutes breathing space

Three minutes breathing space

Discuss the action plan with a loved one


8. The 8th week continues for the rest of your life

Reflection on the course

Body scan



How to continue practicing mindfulness in your daily life

Sitting meditation (5 words to remember mindfulness)

  1. *For unguided eMBCT all sessions are individual