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Table 1 The five developmental domains of the EDI, the number of items in each domain, and the subdomains comprising each domain

From: Psychometric properties and factor structure of the Early Development Instrument in a sample of Jordanian children



Example of items

Physical health and well-being (# items: 13)

Physical readiness for school day

Over or underdressed for school activities


Physical independence

is independent in washroom habits


Gross and fine motor skills

ability to manipulate objects

Social competence (# items: 26)

Overall social competence

Is able to play with various children;


Responsibility and respect

follows rules and instructions


Approaches to learning

listens attentively


Readiness to explore new things

is eager to play with a new toy/game

Emotional maturity (# items: 30)

Prosocial and helpful behaviour

Will try to help someone who has been hurt


Anxious and fearful behavior

is upset when left by a parent/guardian


Aggressive behaviour

gets into physical fights


Hyperactive and inattentive behavior

can't sit still, is restless

Language and cognitive development (# items: 26)

Basic literacy

Is ale to attach sounds to letters


Interest in literacy/numeracy and memory

is able to remember things easily


Advanced literacy

is able to read simple/complex words


Basic numeracy

is able to count to 20

Communication skills and general knowledge (# items: 8)

Communication skills and general knowledge

Ability to tell a story; ability to take part in imaginative play