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Table 2 Prevalence estimates of depression, anxiety and resilience (as measured by PHQ 9, GAD-7 and CD-RISC 10 scales) among the participants by covid-19 impact

From: Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of university students in the United Arab Emirates: a cross-sectional study

Psychometric property

Impacted by Covid-19 N (%)

Not Impacted by Covid-19 N (%)

Total sample N (%)

Depression as measured by PHQ-9

Minimal to mild depression (score ≤ 9)

398 (56.2)

74 (82.2)

472 (59.1)

Moderate to severe depression (score ≥ 10)

310 (43.8)

16 (17.8)

326 (40.9)

Anxiety as measured by GAD-7

Minimal to mild anxiety (score ≤ 9)

424 (59.9)

62 (68.9)

486 (60.9)

Moderate to severe anxiety (Score ≥ 10)

284 (40.1)

28 (31.8)

312 (39.1)

Resilience as measured by CD-RISC-10

Low to normal resilience (≤ 32)

631 (89.1)

75 (83.3)

706 (88.5)

High resilience (score ≥ 33)

77 (10.9)

15 (16.7)

92 (11.5)


708 (100)

90 (100)

798 (100)

  1. PHQ-9 patient health questionnaire, GAD-7 generalized anxiety disorder-7, CD-RISC-10 Connor–Davidson Resilience Scale