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Table 2 Identified themes

From: Prevalence of mental health problems among stranded international students during the COVID-19 pandemic



A rise in hopelessness and level of uncertainty

Level of Uncertainty among students, Nanjing outbreak, Feeling of lost future, feeling of failure, future worries, hopelessness unpleasant feeling about returning back


Delay in educational goals, concerns about studies and future, unbearable situation, feeling depressed

Lost interest and focus

Feeling of laziness after a long break, enthusiasm begins to dwindle, difficulty in concentration

Lack of support

Institutional support, lack of information, negligence of authorities, no plan of action, lost hopes, feeling of unwanted students, suspension of monthly stipend

Unemployment and financial hardships

Hardships in finding jobs during the pandemic, lost jobs, less opportunities, job contracts, temporarily suspension of stipend, financial crisis

Social pressure

Questioning from friends and relatives, disconnecting social relationships

Behavioral and mood changes

Change in behavior, aggressive behavior, upset, mood changes

Sleep disorder

Difficulty in falling asleep, excessive sleepiness, disruption in sleep, active mind, dissatisfaction with online classes

Increased smoking

Help in reducing stress, feeling of helplessness, increase in smoking

Academic stress

Burden of publications, workload of experiments, and unavailability of resources at home countries, delay in graduation, online classes