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Table 1 Contents of the mindfulness-based Dementia Caregiving Program

From: Evaluating the effectiveness of a 6-week hybrid mindfulness-based intervention in reducing the stress among caregivers of patients with dementia during COVID-19 pandemic: protocol of a randomized controlled trial


Teaching mode

Main theme

Contents (90 min per session)

Home practice



Caregiving stress and automatic pilot

Establishing the orientation of the class

The raisin exercise (eating meditation)

13-min body scan

Reaction to stress

45-min body scan for 6 out of 7 days

Mindfulness of a routine practice



Thoughts and feelings

Exercises on thoughts and feelings related to dementia caregiving

Mindful stretching and breath meditation

Mindful movements

3-min breathing space

10 min of mindful breathing for 6 out of 7 days

Pleasant experience calendar (one example daily)

Mindfulness of a routine practice



Facing difficulty with mindfulness

Exercises focusing on unpleasant caregiving experiences

Practising seeing and hearing

Sitting meditation (awareness of breath and body, and of responses to painful sensations)

40 min of mindful movements or stretching and breathing meditation for 6 out of 7 days

Unpleasant experience calendar (a different experience for each day)

3-min breathing space, 3 times daily



Mindful communication and responses

Practising seeing and hearing

Mindful communication with people with dementia

3-min breathing space

Responding to the behaviour of the care-recipient

Sitting meditation, 6 out of 7 days

3-min breathing space (3 times a day)

3-min breathing space – responsive (whenever one notices unpleasant feelings)



Thoughts are not facts

Sitting meditation

Exercises on thoughts and alternative viewpoints

3-min breathing space (responsive)

Identifying habitual emotional reactions to difficulties resulting from caregiving

Select a guided meditation to practise at least 40 min per day

3-min breathing space (3 times a day)

3-min breathing space – added instructions (whenever one notices unpleasant feelings)



Taking care of yourself

Sitting meditation with breath, body, sounds

Exploring difficulties in mindfulness

Exercise on looking forward

and preparing for the future

3-min breathing space (3 times a day)

Select from all different forms of practice and apply them on a regular basis

Develop actions to be used in the face of low moods