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Table 2 Demographic characteristics of the participants and caregiving-related information (N = 20)

From: Family caregiving and chronic illness management in schizophrenia: positive and negative aspects of caregiving


n (%)/M (SD)


n (%)/M (SD)

Caregiver’s gender

Patient’s gender


12 (60.0)


7 (35.0)


8 (40.0)


13 (65.0)

Caregiver’s age (range: 42–78)

58.15 (11.65)

Patient’s age (range: 42–75)

58.85 (11.30)

Caregiver’s education level

Patient’s education level


3 (15.0)


4 (20.0)

 Primary school

10 (50.0)

 Primary school

9 (45.0)

 Secondary school

7 (35.0)

 Secondary school

6 (30.0)

 High school or vocational school

0 (0)

 High school or vocational school

1 (5.0)

Caregiver’s marital status

Patient’s marital status


0 (0)


2 (10.0)


18 (90.0)


14 (70.0)


1 (5.0)


3 (15.0)


1 (5.0)


1 (5.0)

Caregiver’s employment status

Patient’s employment status


3 (15.0)


13 (65.0)


7 (35.0)


5 (25.0)

 Being a farmer and a part-time worker

5 (25.0)

 Being a farmer and a part-time worker

0 (0)


4 (20.0)


2 (10.0)


1 (5.0)


0 (0)

Caregiver’s relationship to the patient

Patient’s living status


2 (10.0)

 Living alone

2 (10.0)


13 (65.0)

 Living with the family/caregiver

18 (90.0)


2 (10.0)

Household living conditions


1 (5.0)

 Village house

13 (65.0)

 Other relatives (e.g. son-in-law, sister-in-law)

2 (10.0)

 Resettlement housing

7 (35.0)

Years of care provision (range 20–38)

27.05 (4.58)

Family size (range: 2–6)

3.45 (1.23)


Household income per yeara (CNY, range: 6000–84,000)

28,620 (22,859.01)

  1. M  mean, SD standard deviation
  2. aApprox. CNY to USD exchange rate in 2018 (6.93.57:1). According to the Chengdu Statistical Yearbook, annual income of rural households per capita is 28912.5 CNY in 2018. In this study, the household annual income of the investigated families is lower than the aforementioned value in the local area