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Table 2 Confirmatory factor analysis results

From: Development and validation of self-efficacy and intention measures for spending time in nature

Constructs and measurement item

Standardized loadingad

Error varianceb

Indicator reliability

First-order loadings

 Self-efficacy (α = .919; ρ = .933; AVE = .584)c

  It is really hot outside




  It is really cold outside




  It is raining or snowing




  Daylight hours are shorter




  You are busy




  You feel stressed




  Nature is far away




  You feel tired




  There are no people around




  You have no one to go with




  You are in pain




  You lack transportation to natural areas




  It feels unsafe




  There is an expense involved (like a park pass or entrance fee)




 Intentions (α = .91; ρ = .90; AVE = .54)c

  Spend more time at neighborhood and community parks




  Spend at least two hours per week outside




  Visit state or national parks




  Schedule trips to natural areas




  Go on a hike




  Go on a walk outdoors




  Visit water recreation areas (i.e. lakes, oceans)




  Spend more time in nature




  1. aEntries are standardized values; all statistically significant (p < .01)
  2. bError variance entries are standardized
  3. cα = Cronbach’s alpha of reliability; ρ = composite construct reliability; AVE = amount of variance extracted. The average variance estimates (AVEs) ranged between 0.591 and 0.821
  4. dValues exceeded the 3.26 cutoff