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Table 1 Patient sample description

From: De-escalation of conflict in forensic mental health inpatient settings: a Theoretical Domains Framework-informed qualitative investigation of staff and patient perspectives

Time spent as inpatient in past 12 months




Containment interventions experienced

Used illicit substances in past 12 months

Used illicit substances in past 12 months

MHA status

Previous admission

0–4 months: N = 1 (8.33%)

5–8 months: N = 3 (25%)

9–12 months: N = 8 (66.67%)

18–30: N = 6

31–43: N = 5

Female: N = 4 (33.33%)

Male: N = 8 (66.67%)

White British: N = 7 (58.33%)

Black British: N = 1 (8.33%)

Mixed White and Black African: N = 1 (8.33%)

Asian or Asian British Pakistani: N = 1 (8.33%)

Other: N = 1 (8.33%)

Not reported: N = 1 (8.33%)

Physical restraint: N = 8 (66.67%)

Compulsory medication given by injection: N = 2 (16.67%)

Seclusion: N = 7 (58.33%)

PRN Medication: N = 7 (58.33%)

Increased observation: N = 7 (58.33%)

Time out: N = 8 (66.67%)

Psychotic disorders: N = 11 (91.67%)

Mood disorders: N = 4 (33.33%)

Anxiety disorders: N = 4 (33.33%)

Personality disorders: N = 5 (41.67%)

Other: N = 2 (16.67%)

Yes: N = 3 (25%)

Detained: N = 12 (100%)

0: N = 5 (41.67%)

1: N = 1 (8.33%)

2–5: N = 4 (33.33%)

> 6: N = 2 (16.67%)