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Table 1 Content of CBT-E and INTER-E treatment modules

From: Correlates of interpersonal emotion regulation problems in Loss of Control eating (LOC) in youth: study protocol of the combined online and App based questionnaire, laboratory and randomized controlled online intervention i-BEAT trial

0. Motivation & Psychoeducation: Short (20 min) introduction and welcome session of the i-BEAT treatment trial

 Advocatus Diaboli

 Introduction of main aspects (e.g., binge eating, emotion regulation)

 Introduction of the protagonists

 Explanation of the i-BEAT online platform

Cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT-E)

Interpersonal emotion regulation (INTER-E)

1. Motivation & Psychoeducation

1. Motivation & Psychoeducation

 Psychoeducation: What is a healthy, balanced diet?

 Psychoeducation: emotion regulation, rejection sensitivity

 Introduction of the meal plan

 Introduction of the interpersonal emotion regulation model

 Introduction of self-observation-protocols

 Self-report of social rejection and rejection sensitivity episodes

2. Personal goal setting and ABC model

2. Relaxation & Non-judgmental perception

 Goal analysis and goal attainment scale

 Personal vicious circle of negative emotions

 Introduction of the ABC model of binge eating episodes (video)

 Introduction of different strategies to overcome this vicious circle


 Progressive muscle relaxation (video)


 Non-judgmental perception of negative emotions

3. The vicious circle of binge eating & PPP

3. Acceptance & Emotional tolerance

 Individual vicious circle model

 Personal vicious circle of negative emotions

 predisposing factors, precipitating factors and

 Introduction of different strategies to overcome this vicious circle

 perpetuating factors

 Acceptance of negative emotions


 Tolerance of negative emotions (video)

4. Craving & Strategies

4. Analysis of triggers & Maintenance factors

 The craving curve

 Self-report and analysis of negative emotions, interpersonal conflicts and rejection sensitivity

 Symptom management: introduction of stimuli and

 Identification of risk situations

 reaction control strategies; create and apply


 corresponding emergency cards


5. Cognitions

5. Effective self-support in interpersonal conflicts

 Introduction concept dysfunctional thoughts

 Role of emotion regulation in interpersonal conflict situations (audio)

 Strategies to cope with dysfunctional thoughts:

 Coping with negative emotions, interpersonal conflicts and rejection sensitivity

 Defusion (audio)


 accept difficulties as part of behavioral change


6. Setting up and relapse prevention:

6. Coping with negative emotions, interpersonal conflicts & rejection sensitivity

 Identify high-risk situations, plan coping strategies,

 Evaluation of self-observations with respect to emotion regulation and rejection sensitivity

 adapt emergency cards

 Analysis of experiences with emotion regulation strategies

 score goal attainment on scale, adapt goal or set

 Identifying a top 3 of the therapy content

 new goals


 Identifying a top 3 of the therapy content


13./14.: 3–month follow-up & 6-month follow-up booster sessions

Repetition of core elements of both treatment trials: CBT-E and INTER-E

15./16.: 2 optional 2 CBT-E sessions assigned in individual cases with more pronounced compensatory behaviour after

both i-BEAT modules

  1. CBT-E cognitive behavioural therapy for eating disorders, INTER-E interpersonal psychotherapy for eating disorders