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Table 2 Demographic data and questionnaire-scores

From: Assessment of effects of total sleep deprivation and subsequent recovery sleep: a methodological strategy feasible without sleep laboratory

Demographic data


Sample size

n = 30


n = 15/n = 15

Age (years)a

33.70 (10.47)

Age range (years)


Sleep duration


Habitual sleep duration (hours)a,b

7.40 (0.95)

Sleeping environment




 Without Bedpartner

n = 15

 With Bedpartner

n = 15

Questionnaire scores



6.50 (3.33)



 Sleep quality

0.80 (0.41)

 Sleep latency

0.83 (0.87)

 Sleep duration

0.20 (0.41)

 Sleep efficiency

0.33 (0.61)

 Sleep disorders

1.07 (0.25)

 Sleep medication use

0.07 (0.25)

 Daytime sleepiness

0.83 (0.38)

 Overall PSQI-score

4.13 (1.57)

  1. RIS = Regensburg Insomnia Scale, PSQI = Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. RIS-scores can vary between 0 and 40 points. Scores of PSQI-subscales can vary between 0 and 3 points, the overall PSQI-score can vary between 0 and 21 points
  2. aResults are presented as M (SD)
  3. bData derived from PSQI-item “During the past month, how many hours of actual sleep did you get at night?”
  4. cData derived from PSQI-item “Do you have a bedpartner or roommate?”