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Table 1 Sample characteristics pertaining to sociodemographic information and early life factors, including family climate and neighborhood SES in childhood, as well as positive change outcomes (n = 374)

From: Early life predictors of positive change during the coronavirus disease pandemic


n (%)

Mean (SD)


Sociodemographic information:


Age (years)

29.1 (0.2)


Gender (% female)

213 (57.0)



White, NH (%)

298 (79.7)

Non–white (%):

76 (20.3)

Latino (%)

25 (6.7)

Black, NH (%)

33 (8.8)

Asian, NH (%)

6 (1.6)

Other, NH (%)

12 (3.2)

Child SES


Mother, % college degree + 

172 (45.9)

Father/partner, % college degree + 

159 (42.5)

Income-to-needs ratio

3.6 (2.3)


Adult SES:


Individual, % college degree + 

235 (62.8)

Household income, % $100,000/year + 

90 (24.1)

Early life factors


Child family climate


Family cohesion

33.8 (6.4)


Family conflict

31.7 (7.0)


Child neighborhood


Education, % without HS diploma or GED

15.6 (11.2)


Income, median family income

$76,419 (25, 958)


Employment, % unemployed or out of work force

4.8 (3.1)


Public assistance, % on public assistance

3.9 (3.6)


Poverty, % below poverty line

8.8 (7.3)


Perceptions of neighborhood, self-reported

9.7 (3.7)


Positive change outcomes:


Positive change total score

3.6 (2.4)


Perspective-taking/charitable giving subscale score

1.2 (0.9)


More appreciative of things usually taken for granted (%)

264 (70.6)

Volunteered to help people in need (%)

29 (7.8)

Donated time or goods to cause related to the disease (%)

52 (13.9)

Found greater meaning in work, employment, or school (%)

99 (26.5)

Social relationships subscale score

1.2 (1.0)


More quality time with family or friends (%)

243 (65.0%)

Improved relationships with family or friends (%)

152 (40.6%)

New connections made with supportive people (%)

69 (18.4%)

Health behaviors subscale score

1.2 (1.2)


Increased exercise or physical activity (%)

101 (27.0%)

Paid more attention to personal health (%)

168 (44.9%)

Ate healthier foods (%)

117 (31.3%)

Used less alcohol or substances (%)

48 (12.8%)

Spent less time on screens or devices outside of work (%)

23 (6.1%)

  1. Age is reported from the time of completion of the EPII. Parental education is reported from child’s age 1 month. Income-to-needs ratio is reported as the mean of 8 assessments at timepoints (child’s ages 1, 6, 15, 24, 36, and 54 months and in kindergarten and grade 1)
  2. Family climate dimensions are derived from the Family Environment Scale (FES). Child neighborhood is reported as the mean of annual estimates of socioeconomic indicators between child’s ages 0–7 years. Perceptions of neighborhood is reported from retrospective reports in adulthood using items adapted from the Neighborhood Disruption Scale (NDS)
  3. Positive change outcomes include individual items endorsed “yes” that are also rated 1+ on the impact rating scale (0 = no positive impact…2 = moderate positive impact…4 = extreme positive impact); means (SDs) of impact ratings are reported for these items
  4. NH non-Hispanic, SES socioeconomic status, HS  high school, GED general education diploma