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Table 1 Weekly topics and challenges for the Live More Project Intervention

From: The effectiveness of an online interdisciplinary intervention for mental health promotion: a randomized controlled trial


Daily challenge

Weekly challenge

1. Language and Emotion

Offer a genuine compliment

Memorise an inspirational text or saying

2. Posture and Regular Physical Activity

Spend 30 min of moderate exercise or 10,000 steps

20 min of guided resistance exercises

3. Sunlight and Natural Environments

Spend 30 min in an uplifting natural environment

Experience a sunrise

4. Social Connections

Do something intentional to show you care

Forgive someone who has hurt you

5. Positive Outlook

Spend 15 min to reflect on three things that went well

Write a letter of gratitude to someone and share it with them

6. Diet and the Gut Health Connection

Eat eight serves of plant-based food

Prepare a high-fibre, plant-based meal with one or more friends

7. Rest

Spend eight hours in bed without a device

Spend an evening by firelight

8. Stress Management

Spend 15 min in a quiet place, relaxing and being mindful of surroundings

Take a day off work and a digital Sabbath (going “off-line” for 24 hr to recharge)

9. Signature Strengths and Serving Smart

Perform a random act of kindness

Use signature strength to perform an act of service

10. Flourishing

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