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Table 3 Percentage of female and male patients reporting residual symptoms related to exhaustion 7 years after seeking care for stress-related exhaustion. Each symptom was defined to be residual if the same symptom was reported at least one timepoint during 2, 3- and 5-years follow-up and at 7 years follow-up

From: Long-term follow-up of residual symptoms in patients treated for stress-related exhaustion

Symptom (N) (Women/Men)


N (%)


N (%)

% males

N (%)

p value

Extreme fatigue (N = 217) (161/56)

99 (46)

76 (47)

23 (41)


Sleep disturbances (N = 217) (161/56)

77 (36)

58 (36)

19 (34)


Problems with concentration (N = 217) (161/56)

77 (36)

59 (37)

18 (32)


Problems with memory (N = 217) (161/56)

90 (42)

73 (45)

17 (30)


Reduced stress tolerance (N = 217) (161/56)

158 (73)

122 (76)

36 (64)


  1. All symptoms are measured with single item (Yes/No)