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Table 2 Baseline characteristics of female and male patients with stress-related Exhaustion Disorder (ED), measured when they initially sought care (N = 217)

From: Long-term follow-up of residual symptoms in patients treated for stress-related exhaustion


Total (n = 217)

Women (n = 161)

Men (n = 56)

Age Mean (SD)

44 (9.2)

44 (9.2)

42 (9.2)

Percent patients married/co-living N (%)

160 (74)

120 (75)

40 (71)

Percent patients with higher Educationa N (%)

151 (70)

113 (70)

38 (68)

Symptom of Burnout baseline (> 4.4 SMBQ) N (%)

193 (90)

143 (89)

50 (91)

  1. SMBQ Shirom Melamed Burnout Questionnaire
  2. aHigher education is defined as ≥1 year of college education