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Table 2 Mean differences between canonical and modified stimuli in aesthetic and proportion judgments task for both groups (ASD and TD), separately

From: Discrepancies between explicit and implicit evaluation of aesthetic perception ability in individuals with autism: a potential way to improve social functioning

Golden Beauty task


(I) Canonical stimuli type

Mean (SE)

(J) Modified stimuli type

Mean (SE)

Meandiff (I-J)



Aesthetic Judgment task

ASD group

10.300 (.715)

9.500 (.431)

.800 (.801)


TD group

15.500 (.715)

11.100 (.431)

4.400 (.801)


Proportion judgment task

ASD group

14.500 (.962)

13.000 (1.301)

1.500 (.922)


TD group

19.300 (.962)

8.900 (1.301)

10.400 (.922)


  1. Significant comparisons are highlighted in bold