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Table 1 Descriptive statistics for all scales used total group and divided by sex

From: Trends in childhood and adolescent internalizing symptoms: results from Swedish population based twin cohorts


M (SD) total

M (SD) boys

M (SD) girls

Cohens’d boys vs girls

p boys vs girls

Range (min-max)

n (%) boys/girls

Age 9

 SCARED a n = 14979

5.25 (6.57)

4.94 (6.47)

5.56 (6.66)


< .001


7493 (50.0)/ 7486 (50.0)

 sMFQa n = 17562

1.33 (2.96)

1.40 (3.01)

1.27 (2.91)




8824 (50.2)/ 8738 (49.8)

Age 15b

 SDQ-Emotional pr n = 9821

1.15 (1.60)

.84 (1.35)

1.44 (1.76)


< .001


4722 (48.1)/ 5099 (51.9)

 SDQ-Emotional src n = 10821

2.93 (2.28)

2.00 (1.80)

3.70 (2.35)


< .001


4873 (45.0) 5946 (54.9)

  1. Note. SCARED Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders, sMFQ Short Mood and Feelings Questionnaire, SDQ Strength and Difficulties Questionnaire, sr self-report, pr parent-report
  2. aCohorts 1998–2008
  3. bCohorts 1993–2001
  4. cData on sex missing for two participants