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Table 7 Interaction effects between mental health and RANAS psychosocial factors on self-reported safe drinking water transportation and storage behavior

From: The link between mental health and safe drinking water behaviors in a vulnerable population in rural Malawi

Interactions of RANAS psychosocial factors with mental health

b, 95% CL


Conditional effects at values of mental health

1 = poor

0 = good


−.496* [−.960, −.032]




Belief effort

.294* [.004, .584]




Others’ approval

−.980*** [−1.458, −.503]




  1. Notes. *p ≤ .05, **p ≤ .01, ***p ≤ .001. N = 172, confidence intervals: 95% CL [LL, UL]. Levels of moderator calculated with simple slopes analysis: values for dichotomous moderators are the two values of the moderator. Conditional effects of X (safe drinking water transportation and storage behavior) by mental health (0 = good, 1 = poor). Mental health accessed on SRQ-20 scale (0–20), cutoff point ≥7: people with a score equal or above 7, poor = 1, people with a score below 7, good = 0 mental health