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Table 4 Propensity weighted multiple regression model results controlling for baseline scores (maximum likelihood estimation with robust standard errors)

From: The effectiveness of universal parenting programmes: the CANparent trial

Parenting measure

R2 (p value)

Group beta (SE)

Effect size (95% CIs)

PDH Frequency

53.3% (<.001)

.034 (.041)

.07 (−.12, .26)

PDH Intensity

43.0% (<.001)

.083 (.050)

.17 (−.03, .36)

BAP Satisfaction

43.3% (<.001)

−.003 (.037)

−.01 (−.20, .19)

BAP Self-efficacy

42.7% (<.001)

.402 (.037)

.89 (.68, 1.09)

BAP Interest

55.1% (<.001)

.218 (.045)

.45 (.26, .65)

BAP Total score

49.0% (<.001)

.289 (.034)

.61 (.41, .81)

  1. Note: PDH = Parenting Daily Hassles; BAP = Being a Parent