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Table 1 The children whose parents participated and children whose parents did not were compared to determine structural differences among the groups

From: Disordered eating and emotion dysregulation among adolescents and their parents


Parent participated

Parent did not participate

M (SD) (Mdn for SCOFF)

M (SD) (Mdn for SCOFF)

t (u for SCOFF)




u = 99716.5, p = .07


73.11 (21.42)

75.19 (23.70)

t (295.59) = 1.11, p = .30

M age

16.18 (1.20)

16.19 (1.22)

t (1262) = .084, p = .93

  1. Note: For each analysis, we excluded the data of adolescents with missing values in a pairwise fashion. Samples whose parents did not participate and whose parents did participate ranged from 642 to 1029 adolescents and 173 to 235 adolescents, respectively
  2. As can be seen from the p-values no such significant differences were found