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Table 3 Relationships between change in SOC and baseline and change in independent variables controlling for baseline SOC and socio-demographic and clinical variables

From: Promoting sense of coherence: Salutogenesis among people with psoriasis undergoing patient education in climate therapy




Independent variables

Standardized Beta Coefficients(95% CI)

Standardized Beta Coefficients(95% CI)

Positive and active engagement in life1

0.170 (0.024, 0.319)

0.259 (0.092, 0.428)

Illness coherence1

0.212 (0.073, 0.361)

0.068 (-0.111, 0.251)

Emotional representations2

−0.109 (-0.271, 0,046)

−0.270 (-0.481, -0,077)


−0.061(-0.208, 0.085)

−0.092(-0.308, 0.118)

  1. 1High = good. 2Low = good.