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Table 1 Modified/ Replaced Items and their original version

From: The revision and factor analytic evaluation of the German version of the depression literacy scale (D-Lit-R German)


Original Item

Modification by expert team

Modification after cognitive interviews


People with depression often speak in a digressive and incoherent way


People with depression often speak incoherently


Reckless and foolhardy behaviour are common signs of depression


Reckless and risk-taking behaviour are common signs of depression


Clinical psychologists can prescribe antidepressants


Psychologists can prescribe antidepressants


Moderate depression disrupts a person's life as much as multiple sclerosis or deafness

Depression can be accompanied by distortions in thinking and perception

Depression can be accompanied by changes in thinking and perception (e.g. brooding)


Many famous people have suffered from depression


Depression always has several causes


Many treatments for depression are more effective than antidepressants

Increasing positive activities should be an integral part of any treatment for depression

Increasing positive activities (e.g. exercise, socializing) should be an integral part of any treatment for depression


For mild to moderate depression, cognitive behavioural therapy is as ef- fective as antidepressants

For mild to moderate depression, cognitive behavioural therapy is the treatment of choice



Of all the alternative and lifestyle treatments for depression, vitamins are probably the most helpful

People with depression have negative thoughts, which can also take the form of suicidal thoughts