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Table 2 Characteristics of Mentally healthy college students based on Chinese culture

From: How would you describe a mentally healthy college student based on Chinese culture? A qualitative research from the perspective of college students



Value Pursuit

â‘  Loving their motherland and identifying with their culture

â‘¡ Having a sense of responsibility and mission and being willing to dedicate oneself to the country at any time

â‘¢ Daring to criticize, explore, and innovate


Life Attitude

â‘  Loving life and being positive

â‘¡ Staying positive and having the ability and quality to cope with hardships

â‘¢ Being flexible and dialectical

â‘£Being inclusive and broad-minded

Interpersonal Ideal

â‘  Being benevolent and kind

â‘¡ Interpersonal harmony and comfort

â‘¢ Having a soul mate

â‘£ Showing filial respect to parents appropriately

Behavior Ability

â‘  Adapting to the environment

â‘¡ Studying diligently and learning well

â‘¢ Being emotionally appropriate and can regulate emotions



① Having an objective, positive perception of oneself and can accept one’s mediocrity

â‘¡ Being confident and also modest

â‘¢ Focusing on introspection and contemplation to align with the sages

â‘£ Possessing good qualities advocated by Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism coexist harmoniously